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Anvoye Guarantee

Our Anvoye Guarantee

Here's the cold hard truth - there is no crystal ball in the marketing industry regarding the percentage of success or ROI.

Every entrepreneur or business is on the hunt of finding ‘surefire’ solutions that will help build brand awareness and grow our businesses. Many marketing agencies will want to tell you they can guarantee marketing results, but the fact is – if you want to be told a bunch of fiction, then digital marketing agency Anvoye is not for you.

Anvoye cannot be successful if we are not dedicated to your success first.​

There’s no way to try out new tactics and services and guarantee positive returns on those investments. So, while two clients in the same type of business using the same marketing agency, same designer, and exact same tactics – one client, may see an 80% return on ad-spend, while another may realize a 400% ROI.  While both results are good, there is no way for any marketing agency to predict how well one campaign will perform even in the same business sector. If this were true, we would all be multi-billionaires.

Anvoye will work with you to determine the best way to measure marketing effectiveness and success. We both want to see the results and, more importantly – meet our mutual expectations, while still affording Anvoye the elbow room to innovate and get creative to hit your business targets.

Anvoye's Guarantees to You

Dedicated Marketing, Branding & Advertising Specialists.

Clients receive one-on-one attention from a member of our team, who are experts at creating and fine-tuning marketing campaigns, products, and services to achieve optimal results.

No Hidden Fees. No Minimum Contracts.

Anvoye’s highest priority is ensuring you’re satisfied with your marketing products and services – and we work our tails off to make sure that happens. 

As a client of Anvoye, you have become part of our family. And that may include Birthday and Christmas cards and, yes, the possibility of having disagreements – just like families! So, if there’s a situation, simply call us, send us an email, or text – we will face the issue head-on without any drama.

However, if, for any reason, you are not satisfied, you can cancel at any time. There are no hidden fees, no minimum contracts, or questions asked.

Quick Response.

Customer Satisfaction is our #1 goal, and we’ll always respond to you within four (4) business hours. Nothing is more annoying than when you need to speak with someone, and you can’t reach them. Because we pride ourselves on responding quickly, this is why you will have our Anvoye email addresses and personal mobile phone numbers.

20 Mile or 80,000 Population Anti-Competition Exclusivity Policy

Anvoye guarantee we will not do marketing for any of our client’s competitors within a 20-mile or 80,000 population radius from our client’s principal office address. However, as often happens, a competitor is our client’s friend, associate, or colleague and would like Anvoye as their marketing agency. When this occurs, Anvoye will contact the principles of each firm or practice to validate and gain mutual confirmation and acceptance to void this portion of the Anvoye guarantee.

Drawing on Existing Data to Align Your Expectations.

Anvoye will make reasonable data-driven projections based on your existing data (i.e., website traffic, an email list, etc.) and from other firms and businesses within your industry and walk you through the assumptions we’re making based on that data. Anvoye understands our client’s client base, and from this data, we will provide metrics we believe will help your campaign’s success. For example, because of metrics-driven data, we can see who wants to buy your product or service and extrapolate your client’s spending power. The finding becomes your audience’s profile metric and helps set reasonable expectations of results and RIO.

Establishing a Campaign Baseline.

Early in our process, Anvoye will gain a baseline of your current marketing efforts. This baseline metric will track and monitor the performance of our marketing efforts. While we will draw on existing data or industry standards to set initial projections, once we dive into your project, your metrics will be based on actual performance data.

For example, we want our client to realize a 3:1 Success Ratio over the baseline while managing the monthly ad or marketing spend. By viewing whether we’re above or below the Sucess Ratio, we can act more quickly and decisively to correct the campaign if or when it dips.

The Success Ratio metric varies based on our client’s goals and marketing phase. Anvoye works with our clients to determine their firm’s baseline metric using numbers such as website views, actual appointments booked per week or month, Google Ads metrics, Facebook/Instagram views, or “Likes”. We then set a reasonable expectation of when we should see things start improving in about two (2) to four (4) months (depending on industry/sector) to see some levels of success.

Campaign Scoreboard Transparency & Accountability.

We will set up a scoreboard at the beginning of our relationship to clearly define what success would look like and help your firm’s leaders see how the marketing campaigns are progressing. Next, we will set clear expectations to show the marketing ROI – the Good, Bad, and the Ugly. Then, in a standing weekly, monthly or quarterly meeting – the scoreboard is used to make adjustments to the campaign. That’s the Anvoye Guarantee we can give you.

While You're Thinking About Calling,

Your Competition May Already Has?

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