The Ripple Effect

Six Marketing Strategies Professionals Can Use to Get Repeat Clients

As a professional, one of the best ways to ensure a steady stream of business is to focus on attracting new clients and do everything possible to stay in front of those clients for repeat sales and services. While it may seem more challenging to maintain relationships with past clients than to find new ones, repeat clients are the most accessible market segment and cost-effective.

Here are six continuous marketing strategies you can use to keep your new and repeat clients coming back.

1. Keep in Touch. Say Hello. Don’t Oversell It.

Make sure your past clients have your contact information and are aware of all the services you provide – especially any new services, products, or equipment. Stay relevant and informational. For example, let’s take chiropractors – a Spinal Neural Decompression Table is a fantastic adjustable table for your patients, but a table like this won’t do much good if none of your clients know about it or how it helps them. 

Send your clients periodic updates, and newsletters, invite them to events, or simply pick up the phone from time to time just to check in and say hello. By staying relevant, you’ll be the first person they contact when they need your products or services and you are more likely to get their business.



2. Offer Additional Services

As your clients’ needs change, offer them additional services that can help them. By being there for your clients through all stages of their lives, you’ll solidify your relationship with them and keep coming back for their legal needs.

By being proactive and offering additional services, you can establish a relationship of trust with your client, resulting in repeat business.


3. Get Online Reviews

In today’s digital age, your clients are likely to do a quick online search for reviews before hiring an attorney, healthcare, real estate realtor, or landscape provider. Therefore, maintain 

a solid online presence and don’t be bashful – encourage your clients (past and present) to leave reviews on popular platforms like LinkedIn, Google, Facebook/Meta, Yelp, Trustpilot, and Avvo.

Positive online reviews can help you keep your existing clients coming back and attract new ones. If you get negative reviews, be proactive and fix them. Address negative reviews online, open and honestly. No one is perfect, and it goes a long way when a prospective client reads where you’re open and proactive in making a situation right.


4. Utilize Your Blog. Become a Vlogger.

Your blog is a great way to show off your expertise and attract new clients. But it can also be a valuable tool for keeping your repeat clients engaged.

Write helpful articles that address your clients’ common pain points or answer their frequently asked questions. Create videos that resonate with your clients, and post them on your blog. By providing valuable content, you’ll keep your name top of mind and show your past clients that you’re still the expert they can rely on.


5. Use Social Media Marketing

Going hand-in-hand with your Vlog/Bog – social media is a great way to connect with your past clients and show them the human side of your law firm or healthcare and wellness practice. Share updates, videos, and blog articles for helpful tips and resources.

Implementing a social media marketing strategy will help you stay important and demonstrate that you can provide value even after your client’s initial matter is resolved.


6. Send Out Client Surveys

Asking for feedback will demonstrate that you care about your client’s experience and want to improve. Send out digital surveys or give them a call to get their thoughts on your services. And, be cognizant of your client’s time and reward them for it.  We all receive requests to complete surveys and help you stand out from your competitors – offer something for their time … a discount, free consultation, or a gift card. Also, keep your surveys short but consistent over time. We like only two (2) questions, but no more than three (3) questions, that’s it. Then do it again next month or next quarter.

When you’re constantly working to improve, you’ll instill confidence in your repeat clients that their opinions matter and that you’re always working to provide the best possible service.


Final Thoughts

Repeat clients are the bread and butter of any law firm and healthcare and wellness provider. By following these continuous marketing strategies, you can keep your past clients engaged and coming back for more. At Anvoye, our mission is help build your business or practice as if it was ours. Not only do we help develop brand strategies, but we also guide business solutions and actions that will make all of the above possible.

Our clients at Anvoye Marketing get real-world, multi-layered expertise, innovation, and digital marketing brand strategy resources to help develop their businesses. Contact us about using digital marketing and other marketing strategies for your law firm. We’d be happy to chat!

What other marketing strategies do you use to keep your repeat clients coming back? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

The Ripple Effect

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